God is still in the healing business! Today, I’m grateful to celebrate 17 years of being cancer free after my battle with Stage IV metastatic melanoma. Thank you, Lord! Yet you and I have prayed long and hard for something or someone without receiving the desired result. Instead our hearts were broken. So how do we get through the storms that end in a broken heart?
Sometimes I find it hard to understand how God’s promises work together. Bible verses guaranteeing His protection live right beside verses on Him helping us through tragedy. Is this a contradiction? I think not.
Psalm 34 illustrates this well. We’re told David wrote this Psalm after evading Abimelech’s wrath by pretending to be mentally ill. David was only in Abimelech’s territory because he was fleeing from Saul who was trying to kill him after God anointed him to replace Saul as King! So this is a high point, right? David had evaded two powerful people trying to kill him. Yet, it seems like a low point too, because after all, two powerful people had been trying to kill him! In the end, after being anointed, it took 14 years of struggle before David sat on his throne!
So now consider David’s take on this situation in Psalm 34:
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears; He delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted; He saves the contrite in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him from them all. – Psalm 34:17-19
Do you see God’s default position of deliverance from ALL troubles, including events which break our heart? Our Sovereign God has made it crystal clear – He allows our lives to be a mixed bag with high highs and low lows. The constant is His Presence and help in any and ALL situations.
Literal storms, the weather-related ones, can cause a lot of damage. Early in 2019, our area of Dallas had two storms which caused serious tree damage. Several limbs broke off but they lodged in our trees – see my picture above. The leaves on those limbs starting turning brown within days, so I was surprised those leaves were the last to fall in the winter. Why? I think their brokenness from the tree separated them from God’s annual message, “Let go. It’s time to let go of your leaves.”
In the same way, we can allow our broken hearts to miss God’s daily message: “Let go and let Me heal this.” Let’s not allow our brokenness to cause us to miss any of His messages. So how would this happen? Next time, we’ll discover how to let go of our brokenness to a God who really cares!
Psalms 147:3 – He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Maybe for the first time in your life you’re ready for Him to heal your broken heart. Please know the first step is to receive Him into your life – go here to find out how!
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