Weak Link

Weakness. It’s been dismissed, denied and despised. Never let ’em see you sweat. Right? Wrong. We need to be honest and admit it, we are weak. Our personal strength is a straw house against so many forces in this universe. Will human determination stop a tornado from hitting your house? Can your positive thinking keep your country’s economy strong? Can mind over matter prevent serious illness from striking your life or your loved ones’ lives? Does careful planning keep your heart and lungs pumping overnight while you are in an unconscious state of sleep? Someone might be thinking, “Joe, you’re scaring me!” Don’t be scared, be dependent . . . on the Lord. The apostle, Paul, struggled against his weakness in his life crises. He begged God several times to take away his numerous trials and troubles and sickness. But God didn’t answer in the way Paul had hoped. Instead God said: “My grace is sufficient for you, for (My) power is perfected in weakness.” Then it hit Paul:

Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Crisis Management
When we are in a crisis, we usually scramble to gain control. We need to stop and agree that we are so out of control, and God is in total control. So seek Him and ask Him what to do. This is not passivity, since He loves to lead us step by step. He rarely shows us what is ahead, He simply asks us to depend on Him along the way, no matter what happens.

Supernatural Resources
If we lean on Him in this way, we will experience a deep-seated, divine peace, which Paul calls “the peace which surpasses all understanding”. This type of peace doesn’t make sense to the human mind. It seems counterproductive, even foolish to relax in a crisis situation. Yet everything is in His hands anyway, and He is good . . . and He is trustworthy . . . and He is powerful. So, allow yourself to be weak and watch Him work.

-Joe Fornear

Lord, we admit we are helplessly out of control. We thank you that You hold all things in Your hands, including our lives and circumstances. Help us relax in Your arms, even when we are really hurting.

I would like for this blog to be a two way street. So please feel free to leave a comment if you feel so led.

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  1. i just found out that i have stage1 breast cancer and i am scared. they say it is a slow-growing cancer. i am going to have surgery soon. i am a achristian but i am still very much concerned, i am 54 with children and a husband. my 14 year old daughter is taking this news pretty bad even if i tried to reassure her that i will be fine pray for me and my family

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