Ultimate Pain Relief

– Joe Fornear

During times of crisis, a burning question captivates and troubles the minds of many. pain relief - 6-29-15“Lord, if You really love me, why don’t You remove my pain – now?” Some ask the question innocently and honestly, willing to “listen” to God’s response. Some are so confused and disappointed they suppress the question. Others conclude that He is just flat unfair! What do you think?

Though God’s ways will not be fully grasped until eternity, there have been countless attempts to resolve this issue on this side. Ready for one more?

Well, during my own crisis of Stage IV melanoma, I certainly struggled with the question. Yet one thought pierced the smog of hurt, tears and pain. He forever proved His love for me through one grand act of undeserved kindness!

For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:7–9

Did you catch when Jesus died for us? While we were yet sinners. He made the ultimate sacrifice to prove His unconditional love for us at our least lovable time, after we had proven ourselves enemies.

Anyone can say they love you, but He showed it. If we hold on to this anchor truth, we will not be so shaken by circumstances. As we rest in His arms of love, hope and peace will prevail.

So you might ask, how is this ultimate pain relief? Temporal pain will last for a time, but the ultimate pain of eternal punishment for sin can be removed through the free gift of forgiveness in Jesus Christ. So have you received His free gift? If not, what are you waiting for? (more here). Please call me if you’d like to discuss this!

The next time you wonder about His love, remind yourself of the ultimate expression of His love—His intense suffering and dying for the forgiveness of your sin. Though we may not feel it now, He loves us more than we can ever comprehend! Yes, He really, really loves you.

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-39 

Lord, thank You for demonstrating your incredible love to us by giving Your very best, Your only Son, Jesus Christ.

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  1. This was helpful. As you said yours was one more explanation following many ohters but it spoke to you and was an answer for you.

    It is very hard to know what to say to others as to why God allows and has allowed things to happen. It seems some people have more suffering and sadness than others.

    I believe all healing comes from Him and that He does not arbatrarily heal some and not others yet some people aren’t healed and do die. Because of this I’m not sure what hopeful thing I could say to someone that has a cancer diagnoses. Not having hope, for me, is the worst place to be in and I think why some choose suicide. It seems the Lord has always kept hope alive in me. But I have never had to go through some of the horrific things others have.

    I remember going through a very difficult time and coming across the book, ‘If God Cares why Do I Still Have Problems.’ At the time it really spoke to me and gave me hope. It would be interesting at this time in my life if I picked it up again, to see what would speak to me from that book or what God might lead me to as an answer. What you had to say was, as I said, “helpful,” as a number of your other devotions are.

    Thank you for sharing and for all you do,

    • Hi Jennifer, thanks for commenting. Lots of questions out there, but I believe the Lord does give some general answers regarding the passing of a loved one. There are two types of hope imo. One that is temporal and earthly for this life – that I can be healed; and of course the ultimate hope of heaven with Jesus in the afterlife. I think both are crucial. I’d rather die with earthly hope than live without it.

      Interestingly, you’re the third or fourth person who has brought this up to me in the last few weeks – seems like time for a blog post on the topic. Stay tuned on that if you’d like.

      great blessings to you.
      Joe Fornear
      Stronghold Ministry

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