The Right Touch

His touch is a game-changer. He grants supernatural power, strength and endurance enabling us to overcome impossible circumstances.

All the people were trying to touch Him, for power was coming from Him and healing them all – Luke 6:19.  And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them – Mark 10:13.

During His life-transforming days on earth, Jesus’ touch came in at least two different forms. I experienced both during my battle with Stage IV metastatic melanoma.

The first type of touch is His miraculous healing of physical sickness. All who know Him as Savior will eventually receive this ultimate healing touch of their physical bodies in eternity. In regards to earthly healing, I don’t pretend to know why Jesus grants it to some and not to all.

Yet one thing is clear from Luke 6:19 (see above) – touching Him was crucial in receiving His healing. Perhaps there were some in those crowds who were unwilling to reach out to Him. James said that some continued to make this mistake after Jesus departed, “You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2). So like the crowds in Jesus’ day, be passionate to reach out for His healing touch.

The second type of touch was for His blessing. In Mark 10:13 (see above), parents brought their children to Jesus to be loved on and anointed for their life’s journeys. This type of touch is available to all, no matter what challenges we face. Keep in mind that it is important how we approach Him. He deals with us on the basis of His grace, not because we deserve it. This prevents us from feeling entitled to His touch, or on the opposite extreme, from feeling totally unworthy of His touch.

His touch is a game-changer. He grants supernatural power, strength and endurance enabling us to overcome impossible circumstances. So whatever your need today, press in for your special touch.

Lord, we reach out to You now for Your healing, supernatural touch.

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