– By Joe Fornear

Not many people realize the financial challenges which cancer or severe sickness can bring. But patients and their caretakers know them all too well. During my battle with Stage IV metastatic melanoma, finances were a constant concern.

  • My wife Terri lost tutoring income to take care of me.Elijah & ravens
  • Alternative and supplemental vitamins were expensive.
  • Travel costs for treatments were significant.
  • Then my major medical provider dropped me. And this after discovering my deductible was per calendar year and not per illness.

We were digging a money pit fast, but God provided in surprising ways. As in the days of the prophets, when He used ravens to feed Elijah in the wilderness; so He will use unlikely sources and people to take care of His children (find out more about how to know for sure you’re His child).

Feeding by ravens was doubly amazing. They are notorious for not even feeding their own young! (Job 38:41; Psalm 147:9). In addition, as Jesus pointed out, Elijah was also fed “through” a poor widow after years of drought, and widows had no social safety net. Also this widow was Sidonian, a people not naturally friendly to a Jewish prophet.

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So in the midst of your greatest physical and financial crisis, look to the One Who can trump the natural order of things to supernaturally display Himself to you. As Jesus said, no worries.

Lord, as in everything, we are powerless without You, so we ask you to provide for us somehow in the midst of our crises.

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