
Stronghold’s Story – Joe & Terri Fornear

Pastor Denny Livingston, Lead Pastor at Point of Mercy Church | Nashville, TN

Pastor Denny Livingston of Nashville, TN is a cancer patient and gift basket recipient from Stronghold Ministry. To view our full interview with Pastor Denny, view it here.

Dr. Peter Okaalet’s Testimony – All Saints’ NBI (Kenya)

During a Thanksgiving service, Dr. Peter Okaalet shares his testimony of Stronghold Ministry’s impact on him through his battle with Prostate cancer.

Joe & Terri Fornear’s Cancer Journey – 700 Club

Joe and Terri Fornear tell the story of how the Lord healed Joe from Stage IV metastatic melanoma.

Dr. James Kohn, Joe’s surgeon

Dr. Kohn was Joe Fornear’s surgeon in 2002 & 2003, performing 3 surgeries to remove metastatic melanoma – two to remove lymph nodes under Joe’s arm, and one to remove one-third of Joe’s stomach. Dr. Kohn attended the 2012 Stronghold Ministry banquet and offered to share his thoughts on Joe’s miraculous recovery.

Stronghold’s Stepping Into Christ’s Life Group

A video describing Stronghold’s Stepping Into Christ Groups, led by Terri Fornear, Abiding Life Coach and Life Coach Trainer!

Amanda Martin

Amanda Martin, a Stage IV melanoma patient, shares about My Stronghold, a Pastor’s Battle of Cancer and Doubts. Joe Fornear’s book on his battle with cancer.

Geoff Waters

Geoff Waters shares on reaching his father for Christ with Stronghold Ministry’s help.

Patient and Caretaker Testimonies – 2013

Various Cancer patients and caretakers share how Stronghold Ministry has helped them fight.

*Images and testimonies used with permission. The featured song is Chris Tomlin’s, “I Lift My Hands,” Capitol CMG License # 546190.

Amy Aniceto

Amy Aniceto shares how the Lord worked through Stronghold Ministry to support and transform her during her battle with cancer.