Did it have to be so hard? As I look back on my Stage IV cancer battle which began in 2002, three tendencies made the physical beat down of the cancer and treatments much more exhausting.
1) My Religious tendency placed the burden on myself to perform FOR God and people. I needed and was determined to fight cancer “right.”
2) My Can-do tendency caused me to wear out quickly. I had set out to “beat cancer” with smarts and inner strength.
3) My Self-important tendency caused me to question why God allowed this “senseless” chapter in my life. As a pastor of a church, I definitely had more important things to be doing!
Jesus addresses these very tendencies in Matthew 11:28-30, to help lighten the crushing load on weary warriors:
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Jesus invites us to learn how to fight, and here’s what I’ve learning about my battle plans compared to His:
1) Fight from the resting position!
My religious instinct is to start with “Do,” but Jesus starts with “Rest.” Watchman Nee’s outline of the Bible book of Ephesians is so simple and profound, “Sit, Walk, Stand” (free PDF here). Each word covers a major section of the book, starting with “Sit.” Many think of standing and walking first, and only then do we get to rest – but not God. The work begins and ends with Jesus’ work on the cross and all that He has done FOR us! In this way our battle can be fought from the resting position! REST.
The battle is not yours, but the Lord’s (2 Chronicles 20:15).
2) Know Who does the heavy lifting!

A “yoke” is a harness which straps two oxen together. Farmers often pair an older, stronger ox with a youngster to teach the plowing process. The stronger bull does most of the work. In the same way, Jesus does the work for us, in us and through us! Fighting cancer or any trial is not a do-it-yourself project. LEAN.
“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6).
3) Surrender to succeed!
Jesus is honest with us, most of our burdens are self-imposed. Yikes! If I’m moaning or complaining over the path God has permitted me to walk, I needlessly waste precious energy. John the Baptist found himself in jail for his preaching, and Jesus sent him encouragement not to “stumble” over the path God had allowed. But this type of yielding requires humility, admitting that God is smarter than me! YIELD.
Lord, I want to learn how You rested on, leaned upon and yielded to Your Father. Make me like YOU!
ONLINE Prayer Opportunities
- Stronghold Ministry Praise & Prayer Gathering – 3rd Tuesdays on Facebook LIVE – at 7:00 pm CST on Joe Fornear‘s page.
- “Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer” Facebook Group – Prayer and support for you as you fight cancer! Become a member to submit prayer requests and lift up others. Join Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer.
*Do you know “The Two Ways to Get to Heaven“?
*¿Tu sabes “Dos Maneras de Ir al Cielo“?
In His Grip, Joe & Terri Fornear & Stronghold Ministry

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Please continue to pray for me. I’ve started weekly doses of chemotherapy now. It’s suppose to be for 12 weeks then I’ll have radiation treatments . Please pray that I’ll be able to cope with the treatments and diagnosis of cancer. I received your e-mail and since I’m not on Facebook I’d tell the cancer to go to He’ll but I don’t know if that would be a Christian thing to say.
Hi Kathy, We prayed for you online last night on Facebook LIVE. The recording of the video is there now on my page – http://www.facebook.com/joe.fornear – if you have a friend or family member who is on Facebook. Of course Jesus was speaking figuratively of casting a mountain into the sea, but we catch His point, to completely remove the obstacle or in our case, the disease, and send it far away! Bless you and prayers continue for you for the cancer to be totally gone soon!
-Joe Fornear