Free Gift Basket for Cancer Patients
Our Stronghold Ministry gift basket has been distributed free to over 29,885 cancer patients (as of 3-11-25). If you or a loved one is fighting cancer, you can request a free gift basket here.

Books by Joe and Terri Fornear
Discover spiritual freedom and comfort from Joe and Terri’s books! They learned much about grace, prayer and God’s goodness in the midst of Joe’s Stage IV cancer battle in 2002-2004. These three books are free to cancer patients in our gift basket (pictured above).
Stronghold Ministry Brochures and Documents:
- Two Ways to Get to Heaven – If you were to die today and stand before God, why should He let you into heaven? What is your plan for entry? Paper copies are available – just write us and ask!
- Dos Maneras de Ir al Cielo – Also we have a Spanish version of The Two Ways to Get to Heaven – just write us and ask!
- Brochure for Stronghold Ministry – This is our two-page pamphlet which explains our ministry.
- Forgiving Others – A Bible study by Joe Fornear – What does forgiveness mean and not mean?
Go here for Other Resources for Cancer Patients