– By Joe Fornear

I hear it often when talking with people fighting cancer. “I don’t know how people do this without the Lord.” Indeed. In actuality, nothing in life was intended by our Maker to be “do-it-yourself.” We were designed for deep, constant connection with Him. So as you work your plans to fight cancer or navigate any crisis, are you taking full advantage of a relationship with Him? (clisleep - 9-25-13ck here on starting a relationship with Him).

Wise King Solomon knew a little about developing and carrying out a plan. He built one of history’s most successful and prosperous kingdoms. Yet in Psalm 127, we sense his frustration about his journeys into independent living.

Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.” – Psalm 127:1-2

Solomon advises us to look to the Lord in three of the most vulnerable aspects of our lives – building our household, guarding our lives, and finding provision. Well, he has my attention! When I’m in a jam, my first inclination is to double down on self-effort, thinking I’m doubling my chances of success as well.

What about you as a patient or caretaker? Do you lay awake all night plotting your next step if the current treatment plan doesn’t pan out? Do you scour the internet at all hours to find the latest new trial? Are you constantly and frantically spinning over your financial situation? Solomon has a word of advice for us – relax!

Now, Solomon is not recommending we be lazy or irresponsible, and no one is suggesting your situation is not incredibly challenging. Still, we’re so limited and powerless over so many things. And there is much freedom in admitting our limits. Then, we can be encouraged, because there is One who “gives to His beloved even in his sleep!” Talk about a power nap!

So don’t wear yourself out or drive yourself crazy, “For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’” -Isaiah 41:13

Lord, help us relax in Your constant help, protection and provision.

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