Perfect Plans for You

-Joe Fornear

History is truly “His story.” We make plans and do our thing, but He works it all to our good (Romans 8:28). At first, however, developments might not look good at all! In fact, sometimes people may deliberately intend evil for us, like Joseph’s brothers sinister plan to kill him! Even then, God worked things to the good, as Joseph said later after much suffering at the hands of his brothers, “What you intended for evil, God intended for good” (Genesis 50:20).

At the end of 2016, please consider helping us continue our mission in reaching people fighting cancer and helping ground people in the fullness of Christ. Donate at our secure website here or through our PayPal page here. Or send us a check at PO Box 38478  Dallas, TX 75238. Check envelopes must have December postmark for tax deduction in 2016. Don’t forget to remember us if your employer matches donations – our Federal tax ID is – 26-1656081. We’re so grateful for you!


As we look back on and evaluate 2016 and plan for 2017, let’s keep in mind He operates on an entirely different plane than us. We can operate on that same plane if we live by faith in His ultimate goodness. Consider His heart toward us and our future in Jeremiah 29:11 –

“For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for your well-being and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”

Maybe we complicate things, and it is quite simple. One day all of our troubles, no matter how devastating now, will definitely end up for our good. Let’s grab onto that solid truth today and throughout 2017. Let’s plan on God showing up!

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  1. Going into a study that is proving to be putting patients in remission. As you have said we are in God’s perfect plan. I have found this in my 15 1/2 yr journey. I am trusting Him once more and will accept His plan.
    Thank you for sharing and for your ministry that has been an inspiration to so many.

    • That’s such a long time to be fighting, Linda! My heart goes out to you, but I definitely believe your attitude is serving you really well. He is in control and I continue to ask Him to totally heal you either by this new study or a supernatural touch from Him. Glad you wrote and stay in touch.
      In His Grip,
      Joe Fornear

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