
More Than Enough!

During my battle with Stage IV metastatic melanoma, the Lord really used a devotional book, Streams in the Desert, to encourage me and to help me make sense of my sufferings. In one entry, there is a very inspirational quote from a pastor named Charles Spurgeon. The gist of the quote is that His resources are way more than enough to handle any need we have. It is a powerful illustration.

“The other evening I was riding home after a heavy day’s work; I was wearied and depressed; and swiftly and suddenly as a lightning flash, this text laid hold of me: “My grace is sufficient for you!” (2 Corinthians 12:9). When I got home, I looked it up in the original, and finally it dawned upon me what the text was saying, MY grace is sufficient for YOU. “Why,” I said to myself, “I should think it is!” and I burst out laughing. It seemed to make unbelief so absurd. It was though some little fish, being very thirsty, was troubled about drinking the river dry; and Father River said; “Drink away, little fish, my stream is sufficient for you!” Or as if a little mouse in the granaries of Egypt after seven years of plenty, feared lest it should die of famine, and Joseph said, “Cheer up, little mouse, my granaries are sufficient for you!” Again I imagined a man on the mountain top saying to himself, “I fear I shall exhaust all the oxygen in the atmosphere.” But the earth cries, “Breathe away, O man, and fill your lungs; my atmosphere is sufficient for you!”

So drink, eat and breathe in His super abundant grace to comfort, strengthen and heal you! And remember, there is more where that came from.

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