Love Floats – You!

– Joe Fornear

There is a new 1000 foot glass footbridge in China spanning 600 feet above a valley. above clouds- love- 1-28-16There are videos of people frozen on the bridge or crawling across because they’re so freaked out by the height. For many, 600 feet seems to be quite a long way – but 600 feet is nothing.

Imagine walking across a glass bridge in the heavens, miles above the earth. As you look down and all around, picture the huge expanses not to be clouds and air, but a humongous pool of God’s love for you. Right, that’s a lot of love. Now visualize all of that love enveloping you – and dive in. Let the purest of loves carry you along over your earthly troubles. Go ahead, float there in your imagination for a while…

The good news is you don’t have to pretend this type of love to be true – God says it is true! And some of His freest children, David and Paul, discovered this fact long ago. They call to us today to join them in being caught up by the Lord’s incredible love as well:

Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the skies. – David in Psalm 36:5.

(I pray) that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. – Paul in Ephesians 3:17-20.

“Yeah, yeah,” you might say, “I know God loves me.” Yet note Paul insists God’s love “surpasses knowledge.” In other words, it’s something you know and feel, and He wants us be filled up with this love! Words don’t do justice. Paul says it’s incomprehensibly wide, long, tall and deep! That’s a lot of love – extending up into the heavens.

So cuddle up to The One who is crazy about you and cares deeply about everything you face in life. Picture His love melting away each and every fear you’ve ever had. See His love releasing you of all tensions, worries and cares. He’s got you. Exhale. Smile. Soak. Float in His love. Repeat often.

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