Keep Yourself In God’s Love

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. -Psalm 139:17

When fighting cancer wracks our body with pain and rubs our emotions raw, it’s not easy to focus on God’s love for us. At such times, we may wonder if God even loves us at all! If He loves us so much, why doesn’t He say the word and remove our pain and heal our jangled emotions? David must have wondered about God’s love. God had anointed him king over Israel in Saul’s place, yet David did not consolidate his throne for 21 long years. Saul had made finding and killing David his life’s priority. David spent years running and fighting for his life.

Despite the toxic hate that surrounded him, David mastered a mindset that kept him experiencing God’s love. God did not have to circumstantially “prove” His love, by removing Saul from his life. Perhaps David’s secret was his focus. He learned how to tune into the loving whispers of God deep in His spirit. He didn’t let Saul or anything steal his sensing of God’s love, a love which is incredibly abundant. My daughter, Amy, wrote recently about David’s description of the extent of God’s love:

Think about all the sand grains in the world. Like at the bottom of the ocean floor… between your toes… sand volleyball… the beach & the sandy edges of lakes… the sand MOUNTAINS in the deserts… the little glass vases filled with sand in people’s bathrooms. That is a lot of sand! So God thinks about you MORE than the number of sand grains on earth. His thoughts toward you are precious. See Psalm 139 (verse 17).

God’s positive thoughts about you outnumber the sand grains in the world?! Focus on that; let it soak in deep into your spirit.

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