Hidden Oasis in the Desert

-Joe Fornear

Could the most difficult times also be the most beneficial? Before you tune me out, I think this is exactly what the Lord says in His love letter to us!

But wait, who volunteers for a desert experience? I didn’t. I was definitely drafted into a journey with God through cancer in 2002.  At the time, I could not foresee any good outcome from my fight with Stage IV melanoma. Ah, but pain skews perceptions. Today, I realize just how busy and productive He was in those desert years.

Desert experiences are perhaps His greatest tool to grab hold of us… and we Him. Even Jesus Himself, before beginning His ministry, was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert where He was tempted by the devil! You may be surprised how many Bible verses describe the desert’s role in our lives. Consider just three verses which reveal God’s goals in our desert experiences… if we cooperate:

  • He produces humility in us in the desert.

And you shall remember the whole way that the LORD your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you. Deuteronomy 8:2

I used to think I was pretty tough until Stage IV melanoma and its treatments re-educated me. I didn’t realize how much pride I had taken in my own strength and abilities to endure in sports, construction and academics. I used to judge on people who struggled with physical, emotional and especially spiritual weaknesses. Yet ironically, I found my own weaknesses were the very pathway to His super-natural strength, giving me far more coping ability than I ever could have mustered on my own.

Thankfully, the desert is not His only tool! Still, I can tell you He shortened the legs on my high horse during my cancer battle!

  • He purifies our desire for Him in the desert.

And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. – Deuteronomy 8:3

Jesus said in Luke 17:27 that “eating and drinking and giving in marriage” will be a regular part of life until the end of time as we know it. Yet these routines and special events can be incredibly distracting to the most important issue in life – our relationship with God. So He allowed the Israelites to go through tough times so that they would turn to Him and depend on Him daily. He does the same for us.

I wish I could be on spiritual autopilot to daily draw “life” from the Lord not human accomplishments or earthly pleasures. But nothing draws me to Him like adversity. When I struggle, I turn to Him. I seek Him out and listen to His every Word. He has my attention when I’m hurting.

  • He prepares us for a greater purpose in the desert.

Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will shout for joy. For waters will break forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. – Isaiah 35:6

Moses, Israel, David, Elijah, and yes even Jesus, all endured difficult times in the desert before the Lord revealed Himself in and through them in incredible ways. This is how a spiritual oasis is born, where others will come to drink. First, we must drink of Him, so soak deep in His soothing comforts.

If you’re in the midst of desert experience, don’t panic, rest assured God knows the desert like the backside of His hand. He’ll guide you every step. He’s doing great things in and through you!

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