Miracles for Today Series

Seventh & final in a series on God’s miraculous healing power for today.

Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief.” -Mark 9:24

Why make such a big deal of faith? Simply because Jesus made a big deal of faith. One moment He was rebuking someone for their lack of faith, the next moment He was extolling someone’s outrageous request. It’s hard to believe these faith lessons have no bearing on our prayers today! If we can’t take our impossible situations to the all-powerful and living Christ, then where can we go?

Let me repeat that I don’t believe our faith trumps God’s sovereignty. He may have a higher purpose in not granting our requests. So I’m not implying if our prayers go unanswered that it is only because of our unbelief. At the same time, I don’t want my unbelief to limit what He would otherwise do for me. He made it clear that unbelief can limit His work. Maybe we see fewer miracles today because we simply don’t believe. For me, the bottom line is this: when I pray, I should just do my part and believe, which means to have full confidence my prayer will be answered in the affirmative. Jesus continually demanded and expected people to pray in this manner.

And there is good news for us who “have our doubts.” Our faith does not have to be amazing to receive amazing answers. In the gospel of Mark, a man received a miracle while utilizing imperfect faith. He approached Jesus for his son, who had been possessed by a destructive evil spirit. He pleaded, “If You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!” (Mark 9:22).

In His response, Jesus first questioned the framing of the man’s request, “If you can?” Then He answered him, “All things are possible to him who believes.” It might seem Jesus was  challenging the man’s lack of certainty in His (Jesus’) abilities. “What do you mean, if I can? Of course I can; I can do anything.” But look again at Jesus’ answer, “All things are possible to him who believes.” He focused on the man’s faith, not on His own ability. The emphasis in Jesus’ initial question should therefore be on the word “you,” not “if.” In other words, Jesus meant, “The question is not, can I do this. The question is, can you do this. You exercise your faith.” So in this exchange, Jesus is teaching the man to believe his prayer will come to pass.

The man quickly realized Jesus was making his faith the issue. Mark tells us, “Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, ‘I do believe; help my unbelief.’” Jesus had just rebuked His disciples for their inability to cast out the demon. He declared their unbelief as the reason they were not heard. “O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him to Me!” (Mark 9:18-19). Let’s not make the same mistake of unbelief. Let’s do our part and believe. Then leave the results to our Sovereign God. Amen?

Lord, increase our faith.

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