Hedged In To The Giver

Until recently, some of you may have not experienced much trouble. Troubles were… for others. Then suddenly and without notice, trouble showed up at your door; but this was inevitable. Someone has rightly said, we are either in trouble, coming out of trouble, or heading into trouble. So how do we handle it? Job can teach us.

Job knew that God was good, and He often demonstrates it through gifts. Yet God’s goodness doesn’t end when His gifts dry up.Everything Job had ever touched turned to gold, and he was blessed beyond anyone of his time. Satan called this charmed life a “hedge.” He accused Job of being faithful to God only because of the gifts. Yet Job’s secret was to love and cling to the Giver, not the gifts. Job was hedged into God Himself. In one day, Job’s flocks, herds, servants, and all ten of his beloved children were taken. Then his health was replaced with a horrible skin disease, leaving him shaken to the core. Still Job maintained an unqualified love for God. “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). And, “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” (Job 2:10). And, “Though He slay me, yet will I love Him” (Job 13:5). He fought through the waves of pain and disappointment to latch onto the blessedness of God. You can do this Hedged into God's lovetoo. I know, it’s hard to see when our eyes of faith are so clouded by tears. But what is impossible for you, is possible with you and God. Jesus knew the sting of feeling forsaken by God. Yet He was not abandoned to despair, and neither are you. Jesus (and Job) fought through “because of the joy set before Him” (Hebrews 12:2). There is an amazing blessing for those who focus their affections on God alone. Can you say with Job, “Blessed be the name of the Lord”? Can you sense His love for you, in spite of the pain? His love is freely available to you.

Lord, even now, please pour out an overwhelming sense of your love into each one’s heart, and fill them with the warmth of your goodness, and a heart of praise for You. You are always worthy.

In His Grip,
Joe & Terri Fornear
Stronghold Ministry
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