– Joe Fornear

On a recent fishing trip, I would often stay out until dark on my boat. Getting back to the lake house where we were staying was easy though, even if it was pitch dark. There was a bright light on the dock. I could see its brightness from distant parts of the lake. So I would just head toward that light, steering as needed to stay on course. In the confusion, desperation and even darkness of a trial, we do well to head to the light. Even as we struggle with the enemy of cancer or sickness of soul, because of the Lord, we can boldly say with Micah:

Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me. – Micah 7:8

My Lighthouse - 8-24-15

I love this song, My Lighthouse, and want to share it with you. By a band called, Rend Collective, it is a great reminder to head toward the light – He is with you and He WILL lead you through the storms!


Terri Fornear has just published her story in book form, Abiding Through the Shadows, A Caretaker’s Struggle with God’s Goodness. This book is not about her courage and strength, but rather how God met her at her weakest points. She pulls back the curtain to show her false concepts of God, which created so much extra turbulence during her battle. Yet she shows how the Lord graciously and gently walked her through it all as she leaned on Him – abiding.

If you are, or have been, a caretaker of a cancer patient or someone who is in crisis, we believe you will benefit from this book! Stronghold Ministry has joined with Terri and I to offer this book to you free. Simply reply to this email with your full name and address and we’ll send it to you. If you insist, you can make a donation to Stronghold Ministry here. Or you can purchase the book here.

I want to share another excerpt from Terri’s book. After learning I was misdiagnosed for months, she was upset and concerned, but she also saw through a lie about God that she needed to replace with the truth:

Mind Renewal
Lie: Man’s mistakes have more power than God and prevent Him from working.

Truth: Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him have been called according to his purpose.

We invite you to abide in our tremendously good God, our light house, together with us!

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    • Gary! – Well for sure bro – today, we’re sending you & Tina a signed copy of Abiding Through the Shadows by the authoress herself! Love you guys!!

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