Gratitude As Lifestyle

It’s that time of year again. The words “thankful” and “grateful” will dominate the country’s conversations – for at least four days until the day after Thanksgiving. Then millions will go back to unhealthy venting and ranting. Terri Fornear and I have been writing about healthy venting in the last couple “In His Grip” newsletter/blogs. Previously, I explored “healthy venting” in the Bible. Then Terri encouraged us to be brutally open and honest with God, like the Prodigal Son. Today I’ll attempt to leverage this short season of giving thanks into an ongoing lifestyle choice for me and all of us. We’ll be forever grateful if we do – get it?

So what jump starts the old attitude of gratitude?

1) Follow the Manufacturer’s Advice!

In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I don’t need to tell you, sometimes being grateful is the last emotion we’re feeling. But who knows best how a product operates than its maker? And please understand, God doesn’t say, thank Him FOR everything, but rather thank Him IN everything. He’s saying thankfulness is always for our very best – even through tears and grief. I really struggled with gratefulness during my battle with Stage IV metastatic melanoma. Yet nothing helped me more than cultivating thankfulness by His strength and power in me.


2) Consider the Research on the Benefits of Gratitude

There are some amazing reported benefits of a lifestyle of gratitude:

  • Reduction of aches and pains
  • Increase of endorphins, those “feel-good” hormones
  • Lowers toxins in the body produced by jealousy and revenge
  • Helps endear us to others
  • Strengthens our mental health to cope better
  • Helps us overcome being mistreated
  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Increases self-esteem


3) Feel the effects of expressing gratitude – it flat makes you feel better!

If God and science don’t convince us to have a lifestyle of gratefulness, perhaps experience will be our teacher. To remind myself long after this Thanksgiving season, I’ve written the word “Thanks” on a label that I’ve stuck on the frame of my computer monitor. You might attach something to your phone, mirror or fridge to remind you to thank Him always. This habit truly is a life-changer for me!

Do you know “The Two Ways to Get to Heaven“? 

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