Giant Down in the Valley

-Joe Fornear

We all spend time in The Valley of Elah. There, giants are found. David faced and took down the giant, Goliath, in The Valley of Elah, (1 Samuel 17). His victory came within minutes of first witnessing Goliath’s taunting of “the armies of the living God.” In contrast, we’re told his brothers and the Israeli army spent the previous 40 days in that valley cowering and running from Goliath!

“The Philistine came forward morning and evening for forty days and took his stand.” – 1 Samuel 17:16
“When all the men of Israel saw the man, they fled from him and were greatly afraid.” – 1 Samuel 17:24

So what distinguished the one who overcame his fear from the ones who cowered under it?

  • The fearful ones focused only on human sight.
    The men of Israel said, “Have you seen this man who is coming up?” – 1 Samuel 17:25​

They saw Goliath’s size and strength and did their math. They surfed the internet, read statistics, and focused on human “probabilities” of winning. They looked merely to their own human resources – no wonder doubt paralyzed them. During my intense battle with Stage IV melanoma, I learned the hard way what a difference focus makes!

  • The one who overcame focused on faith.

David “saw” his God as far bigger and greater than any obstacle, be it a lion, a bear, or oversized human.

Now am I saying if we have enough faith, we’re guaranteed God will answer every prayer? Clearly, God responds to faith! Yet He is not bound by it. He does, however, guarantee victory over fear!

But how did David develop this type of faith?

  • David knew Who God was.
    “I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts” – 1 Samuel 17:45​

David “saw” God as commander over the “hosts,” all the angelic armies of heaven. Many Bible students believe the reference includes the vast arrays of the heavens, all the starry hosts (Genesis 2:1). These are the lights of the night, the trillions upon trillions of stars He flung across the heavens in an instant.

  • David knew who he was.
    “I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts” – 1 Samuel 17:45​

David confronted Goliath in the Lord’s “name,” with His full authority. David represented God on that battlefield and he knew God had his back.

  • Though David used human tools with the five rocks and sling, He knew the Lord was ultimately He Who wins a fight.
    “The LORD does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the LORD’S” – 1 Samuel 17:47​

God allows taunting, destructive Goliaths in our lives to demonstrate His love and power. Perhaps you’re facing a giant now – cancer, a financial crisis, a troubled child or relationship. Put down the giant of fear by God’s incredible power, knowing God has your back!

Do you know “The Two Ways to Get to Heaven“?

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