Find Courage from Total Acceptance

My worth has been declared on the Cross and has nothing to do with my performance -- whether good or bad.

– By Terri Fornear

Step 4 – Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.Rock climbing - courage - 1-30-14

Step 4 is the step that brings “fear” to my heart. How can I face my weaknesses, sins and defects with courage, when I am “trying” so hard to be perfect and desiring to keep my reputation under control? I work so hard to be lovable to God, others, and myself, and now I am going to look at things that seem to make me unlovable?

It’s the step of real faith in action. If I can’t be real with God, then my god is made in my own image, and is really powerless. Oh, this is the step that tells me if I really believe that Jesus’ work on the cross means something. Did He truly accomplish something for my time on this side of heaven, or am I to wait for heaven to enjoy righteousness?

For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. – Romans 5:17

In order for me to do a fearless moral inventory, I must embrace the gift of righteousness and face my lack of goodness. I am covered in His “rightness.” He is my guilt offering. There is no other way to be right with God. Even if I clean up today’s messes, I still need His gift tomorrow and yesterday.

Humility must be the air I breathe. If there is defensiveness, excuses or shame, then I am blind to the truth about myself apart from God. I would still be trying to prove to myself, God and others. My worth has been declared on the Cross and has nothing to do with my performance — whether good or bad.

Go ahead — make your moral inventory, without fear. Jesus is your cloak of righteousness. You’re okay. You’re complete in His work. Step 4 offers a chance to let go of your way of doing life to be somebody who is complete in Him. You’re letting go of false ways to make life work. You’ll have more space to receive His love and live out of a well of a river of Life in you.

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