Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.Hebrews 2:14-15

It may not be pleasant, but it is always wise to face fears. With God on our side, even the fear of death is conquered through Jesus Christ! Jesus took on a human body, tasted death Himself, and then returned to prove His command over man’s ultimate enemy. So if and whenever we walk through that valley of death’s shadow, we need fear no evil.

When diagnosed with cancer, many are unnerved by how their battle might end. With some cancers, doctors often predict the length of our duration – eight months; two months. In May of 2003, I was told I had just days to live. Masses had locked up my pancreatic ducts, and Stage IV melanoma had spread to multiple sites, including other vital organs – my lung and kidney. So I looked death square in the eye, and marched forward without a single doubt. Well, not quite. I had always fancied myself so full of faith, but for two days, my very foundations were rattled by fear of the unknown. How bad could this get? I was humbled to realize my trust had been in my own courage and resources, and those resources had run dry. I had thought I could handle anything; I was very tough, you see.

Yet true to His nature, my Stronghold held me up during my wavering. I looked to Him in my weakness and I became strong as He provided supernatural resources to cope with dying. He infused me with confidence that His grace would match any trauma of my final days. He promised me grace to die, you might call it, “dying grace.” Then I found myself not only prepared to die, but eager to die. For now He obviously still has work on this side for me to do. Still I learned an invaluable lesson for my future, and perhaps for yours as well.

Hebrews 2:15 reveals the source of fears of death – the devil, an evil, spiritual being. Like it or not, we are always engaged in an invisible spiritual battle, which is heightened by life-threatening diseases such as cancer. Yet the devil’s power is dwarfed by the Lord’s AWESOME power. The Lord carries us through any struggle, including everyday problems; relational conflicts; or a rough cancer fight. Certainly He will usher us through that final gate to everlasting life.

If you have a life threatening cancer, we fervently pray He will heal you to live a longer, fuller, more abundant life! Yet eventually we’ll all leave this earthly realm, and that is a grace in itself. Who wants to live here forever? As your time draws near, be unflinchingly courageous in Him, knowing He will carry you each step of the way. Isn’t God good? He has a plan for everything.

How can we be so sure that God will even welcome us into heaven? Click here.

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