In Olympic diving competition, dives are rated according to “difficulty factor.” There is a built-in acknowledgment that some dives are more complicated than others. In so many cancer battles I’ve observed, with the many physical, emotional, and financial complications, the difficulty factor is sky high. Yet the Lord can help us survive, and even thrive, in the midst of fighting cancer.

Some thoughts on handling the difficulty factors:

1) Realize the Lord notices your difficulties.
“God does not ignore the suffering of the afflicted. He does not hide his face but listens to the cry for help” (Psalm 22:24). This promise helped when my cancer battle was at its fiercest. He did not immediately stop my suffering, but He let me know He was there… and He cared… and He knew the journey was hard. Fortunately, He doesn’t just watch…

2) Superhuman challenges require supernatural resources.
You probably noticed how quickly human endurance and strength wear down. Yet we can ask the Lord for His strength. He knows we’re in over our heads, and waits for us to ask. He offers supernatural help, we should take it!

He has given us His peace to weather the storm. “My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful” (John 14:27). His peace is not tied to circumstances. His peace surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7). Do you think Jesus Christ is ever worried or fearful?

3) Know your limitations.
Some of us are driven and over-responsible, but when we are in a crisis, we must learn to say no. When we’re battling, or helping someone battle cancer, we have to focus more time and energy on getting well. Some tasks will not get done, and that is fine. We must pace yourselves; we are not machines! Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29). We don’t have to read between the lines here – unrest can come from pride.

4) Lose the attitudes and grudges.
Nothing drains us faster than negativity. A bad attitude draws the vitality right out of our environment. When we focus on complaining, we strengthen self-pity, and our problems become bigger than God.

When we hold grudges, we hold our well-being hostage to those who hurt us. Yet God is greater than any hurt or pain. So focus on forgiving everyone (yes, everyone), and you will experience more of the Lord’s grace on you.

5) Ask for human help.
People always say, “Let me know if I can do anything.” So let’s go ahead and give them specific ways to help! If no one is offering, we can call someone and ask for help. One of our Stronghold friends shared some good advice, “Never be too proud to ask for help when the burden is too heavy to bear alone, for courage often requires humility.”

Lord, thank You that you come alongside us and walk us through the great difficulty of battling cancer.

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