Dare to Err on the Side of Belief With Us

– Joe & Terri Fornear

​Jesus made many claims about the power of prayer, most of which challenge our conceptions of … everything! Consider just one “outlandish” statement in a long list of His amazing quotes on prayer:

“Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him.” – Mark 11:23

After reading this verse, some readers may have stopped reading already. Some may have had a huge letdown in their spirit. I understand, you’ve prayed and prayed and so far – nothing. “Hope deferred makes the heart grow sick” (Proverbs 13:12). True, hope can be scary and false promises can be manipulative, but do we really want to explain away Jesus’ promises? I felt the tension during my battle with Stage IV “terminal” cancer. The doctors gave me days to live in May of 2003, would I dare believe God would heal me by “telling” the cancer to leave?

Through a mix of doubts and boldness, Terri and I, and faithful friends and family decided to err on the side of belief. After all, Jesus always seemed to be moved to miracles by faith. He was clearly disappointed, even perturbed by doubt.

What about you, what mountains do you face? Do you have a flicker of hope to explore the realm of what is possible through perseverance and sheer obedience to pray like He commanded? Let’s journey together to plumb the depths of prayer and His supernatural power. Join us on 3rd Tuesdays from 7:00 to 8:00 pm CST on our Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer group on Facebook to share your prayer requests and pray for others!


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