Leveraging your cancer battle
As Becky says, "We wouldn’t trade this cancer for anything in the world!"
As Becky says, "We wouldn’t trade this cancer for anything in the world!"
Our faith usually breaks down because our heart breaks first. We’re shocked and disillusioned by circumstances God has allowed. Maybe you’ve been rejected; lost a loved one; or a financial or health crisis has “ruined” your life. Good news –…
During this time of focus on mental health, it’s crucial to point out that followers of Jesus Christ have a transcendent resource, the Spirit of God! So we present 3 Spiritual keys to mental health for cancer patients, survivors, their caregivers,…
After hearing some bad cancer news from her oncologist, Sandra Stiles felt God’s “peace which surpasses understanding” (Philippians 4:7). The tongue cancer she had been fighting for several years had spread and wrapped around her carotid artery in her neck.…
What difference does Easter and Jesus’ Resurrection make in our lives today? After He rose, Jesus promised to send the gift of Easter, His Holy Spirit, to dwell and live with and in us. He even said, “It is to…
Since “the battle is the Lord’s,” according to David (1 Samuel 17), how do we keep it in His hands? David ran TO the Lord’s battle against the 9’ 9” tall, 550 pound Goliath and his results are legendary. What…
Why does God allow such hard trials? What if trials lead to experiencing the great consolation prize of Jesus Christ in all His love and comfort? The Apostle Peter makes this precise case in 1 Peter 1:6-9. He compares the…
I used to hate feeling weak and out of control, but since my Stage IV cancer battle, I realized God shows up best when I’m weak as then He becomes strong in me. Consider four responses to being weak and…
Habakkuk was considered a “minor” prophet, but he certainly delivered some major life lessons! His name means “embrace,” or “hug.” He struggled with God’s plan to discipline rebellious Israel by the cruel Babylonians who were taking over the world. Why…
You’re Invited! The Kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. – Matthew 13:44…