Hidden Oasis in the Desert
-Joe Fornear Could the most difficult times also be the most beneficial? Before you tune me out, I think this is exactly what the Lord says in His love letter to us! But wait, who volunteers for a desert experience?…
-Joe Fornear Could the most difficult times also be the most beneficial? Before you tune me out, I think this is exactly what the Lord says in His love letter to us! But wait, who volunteers for a desert experience?…
-Joe Fornear Some people talk about “The Universe” orchestrating events and ordering or disordering our lives. They try to stay on the right side of “it” so that good things will happen in their lives. Others chuckle at an impersonal…
– Joe Fornear Physical pain is a 900-pound gorilla, dominating cancer battles, hijacking focus, and draining hope. Yet the link between physical pain and emotional misery can be broken! Surely, if the Lord allows us to go through it, He’ll certainly…
– Joe Fornear We all face mountains in life that seem impossible to budge. Whether your mountain is cancer, a financial struggle, or a relational issue, you’re convinced it’s bigger than you! Maybe you carry the disappointment of an unmoved mountain from…
My response to Pauline F.’s question was a no-brainer. During the 12 years since my cancer battle, and seven years with Stronghold Ministry helping people fight cancer, it’s the question I’m asked most frequently. I too had the question during my…
So I questioned, and still question today, my inner slave driver. “Do you seriously believe you can out-think, out-plan and out-produce the God of the Universe?" After all is said and done and re-done and re-said, He gives to us even in our sleep!
Sometimes life's pain can be so physically and/or emotionally draining that something needs to give... quickly. When even the best of human efforts makes little difference, there is always something we can do - "cry out" to the Lord.
While the enemy is voicing what you lack, God is voicing what you have! And right now you have green grass UNDER YOU. The finished work of Jesus Christ is literally UNDER YOU and IN YOU. Sit in it.
And the beauty of Christ’s resurrection power is that He showed it in order to share it!
If your eyes are on the storm
You'll wonder if I love you still,
But if your eyes are on the cross
You'll know I always have and I always will.