At Pain’s End
– Joe Fornear A key development in every child’s life is when they learn pain is not permanent. That scrape on the knee stings like crazy now, but it won’t last forever. You can walk it off or apply some…
– Joe Fornear A key development in every child’s life is when they learn pain is not permanent. That scrape on the knee stings like crazy now, but it won’t last forever. You can walk it off or apply some…
-Joe Fornear That would be really nice, right? Well, welcome to Niceville – He IS always on your side! You might be thinking, “If that’s true, it sure doesn’t feel like it!” I can relate. During my Stage IV cancer battle,…
-Joe Fornear History is truly “His story.” We make plans and do our thing, but He works it all to our good (Romans 8:28). At first, however, developments might not look good at all! In fact, sometimes people may deliberately…
-Joe Fornear The Christmas season can be really rough when you’re fighting cancer or grieving great loss. I remember the beginning of my cancer battle on December 23, 2002. I was recovering from a rough surgery to remove a large…
-Joe Fornear During the Christmas season, much is made about Jesus’ name, “Emmanuel,” which means He has come to be with us. And rightly so! It was an incredible expression of love and humility to leave heaven’s comfort to live among…
The bonus of persevering in prayer is He often answers later in the game; that is “late” from the human perspective. So let’s persevere and pray until something happens!
-Joe Fornear So you’ve hit up everyone you know to pray for your physical healing from cancer. Perhaps deep in the night you’ve cried out to God for a better marriage. Maybe you’ve practically begged God for a different job. And…
I hear it in your voices. I read it in your emails and notes. I see it in your eyes. Your cancer battle is a beat down. Mine was too. If it’s not the cancer wreaking havoc, it’s the treatments.…
-Joe Fornear Last weekend I was giving out Stronghold Ministry gift baskets at a Relay for Life in my hometown of Pittsburgh. My three sisters were with me at the Stronghold Ministry tent and my brother’s band was playing. They…
-Joe Fornear When I’m anxious, it’s simple, … I’m depending too much on myself. I’ve taken on a burden I was never intended or created to bear. I’m not believing God’s promise that He already has a perfect plan and…