Lighten Your Load in 2013
What is true for physical limits “carries” over to spiritual and emotional limits. We can only haul so many burdens before control squirts out of our hands. Nerves shatter. Tempers are lost. We stumble under the weight.
What is true for physical limits “carries” over to spiritual and emotional limits. We can only haul so many burdens before control squirts out of our hands. Nerves shatter. Tempers are lost. We stumble under the weight.
Ultimately, we will drift on crystal smooth and peaceful waters, but we don’t have to wait for heaven to enjoy serenity.
Still, there is a difference between activity driven by fear, and the restful steps of one who knows the “Lord of Hosts” is on his or her side.
Please note: the ability and power to overcome fear does not come from you – it comes from Him!
At the top of our knowledge mountain stands a cross - The Wonderful Cross - which extends through the heavens, touching the outer edges of the universe, and forever declaring God’s good intentions towards us.
Now we all have different tastes and callings which we were born to carry out, but there is a common inclination in every human – praise.
Is it any wonder that in hard times, God asks us to look away from our earthly dilemmas and look up to Him and His stellar handiwork?
During my cancer journey, I had seen enough of Stage IV metastatic melanoma to know it was bigger than me and modern medicine. Still, a thought kept bolstering my sense of well-being: cancer is absolutely no match for God Almighty.
The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him. – Nahum 1:7 At some point in our lives, we’ll endure a “day of trouble.” Wouldn’t it be nice if…
Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love him. – 1 Corinthians 2:9 This verse deals with heaven, right?…