Three Responses to Adversity
Enlisting trials won’t make them easy, but it will cut them down to manageable size.
Enlisting trials won’t make them easy, but it will cut them down to manageable size.
Like little children in the back seat of our Heavenly Father’s car, we call out, “Are we there yet?” Sometimes endurance is our only choice.
Parents are forever trying to convince their youngsters that pain and uncomfortableness is only temporary. “We’re almost there.” “The pain will go away soon.” The Lord is forever trying to convince us as well - and He absolutely loves to watch us laugh.
Fortunately for us, the Lord never meant suffering to be just a cruel and bitter pill to be dutifully swallowed. Suffering is a path, never a destination.
So to merge the symbolism of the three names (Euodia, Syntyche and Clement), serenity brings harmony between the good times and bad.
He is encouraging us to focus on His amazing love which leads to His vice-like grip! It's as if He is saying, "I love you so much that I permanently inscribed YOU on to My hands; I CAN'T let go of you!"
As I grow in knowing the real Jesus, I detach from religion and attach to the God who speaks His love into my understanding!
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