Slip-Proof Grip
-Joe Fornear When Someone has a really strong grip on you, YOUR grip strength matters little! This picture and the verses below paint a powerful truth about Jesus’ and the Father’s hearts toward us. Jesus said both He and The…
-Joe Fornear When Someone has a really strong grip on you, YOUR grip strength matters little! This picture and the verses below paint a powerful truth about Jesus’ and the Father’s hearts toward us. Jesus said both He and The…
-Joe Fornear It was the worst of times; it was the worst of times. Did you ever have a season of life that was so miserable that there was little good to say about it? I’ve had a few trials…
– Joe Fornear There is a new 1000 foot glass footbridge in China spanning 600 feet above a valley. There are videos of people frozen on the bridge or crawling across because they’re so freaked out by the height. For many,…
-Joe Fornear Some people talk about “The Universe” orchestrating events and ordering or disordering our lives. They try to stay on the right side of “it” so that good things will happen in their lives. Others chuckle at an impersonal…
I can still recall the powerful gusts of pain and suffering. I was caught in a hurricane and desperately trying to hold on... to anything. Yet in the midst of my lamentations, God's love was so consistent and available. His love broke through my self-reliance and my do-it-yourself approach to fighting cancer.
– Joe Fornear We made this meditation video to encourage you in your cancer battle or any crisis. This meditation is from Psalm 139, God’s heart for the sufferer. You might be surprised by the frequency and nature of His…
Step 8 gives me a chance to list those I have hurt and become willing or courageous to “love” them - whether they receive it or not. This step opens the door for me to see the pain I’ve caused others and set me free from making my pain master over my feelings and thoughts about myself.
Like little children in the back seat of our Heavenly Father’s car, we call out, “Are we there yet?” Sometimes endurance is our only choice.
Sometimes I think we see prayer like a cell phone contract. It's hard not to expect Him to perform - to answer when we call. Reconciling this was a struggle during my battle with Stage IV cancer. If He really loved me, He should be as committed to my well-being and comfort as I am, right?
He is encouraging us to focus on His amazing love which leads to His vice-like grip! It's as if He is saying, "I love you so much that I permanently inscribed YOU on to My hands; I CAN'T let go of you!"