Bearing Jesus and the rest of the Trinity
Think about it, we are bearing Jesus and the rest of the Trinity! Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all living inside.
Think about it, we are bearing Jesus and the rest of the Trinity! Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all living inside.
Some know all too well that heartbreak can seem worse at Christmas. Yet the One whose birth we celebrate understands and knows exactly how to fix a broken heart! In fact, He states upfront that mending broken hearts was a…
As we enter into Christmas with another year behind us, some of us with good memories, and others with pain in our hearts and bodies, let us Behold the miracle and hope we have in Christmas. It’s all about a…
We marvel that Emmanuel is “with” us on our journey, but there’s more! For those who have invited Jesus Christ as Savior into their lives, He is within. Note what Jesus said to His followers in John 14:17 about the…
No matter what journey you’re on, remember everything has changed with the Advent of our Emmanuel. His name means “God with us.” We never, ever, travel alone! If you’re fighting cancer, lost a loved one, feel isolated or abandoned, don’t…
I bought a pair of night-vision binoculars during this year’s Black Friday weekend. There’s something about seeing in the dark that really draws me, especially when walking through Texas woods at night! I started thinking of the spiritual analogy of…