So how does a caretaker handle an impossible load? The answer must be to tap into the supernatural. Human love has its limits. Divine love does not. He wants to give us His love to flow through us to others. Just ask and keep asking -- moment by moment.
Interestingly, before God restores Job’s health, family and fortunes, He asks him to pray for the well-being of his friends, releasing them from the scars they inflicted. After all, the Lord did not want Job’s nightmare to continue. Whether real or imagined, revenge only breeds more pain. So don’t release the Kraken… on yourself!
That thing I'm clinging to... isn't really gone, it's put into the hands of the One Who gives His life to it in a way that keeps it safe from my worship and control.
If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success. - Ecclesiastes 10:10
What is true for physical limits “carries” over to spiritual and emotional limits. We can only haul so many burdens before control squirts out of our hands. Nerves shatter. Tempers are lost. We stumble under the weight.
Jesus certainly shed real tears in His adult life, so why would crying as a baby be a problem?
His touch is a game-changer. He grants supernatural power, strength and endurance enabling us to overcome impossible circumstances.
God intended blame to die at Calvary, so let's allow our guilt trips to stop at the cross too.
Asaph’s spirits lifted when he began to recount God’s past wonders on his and Israel’s behalf. He needed to view his current struggles in light of God’s history of compassion and deliverance. Then he could encourage himself that God was indeed up to something good… again.
We should face our storms head on. When we turn sideways or retreat, we are liable to get swamped by waves of burdens, worries and fears.