There is a difference between powerlessness and hopelessness. We can confuse the two, making our trials so much harder, just as I did during my battle with Stage IV metastatic melanoma cancer back in 2002-2004.
Powerlessness is not our enemy, it is an unbending fact we do well to embrace. We were never intended to navigate life without our Creator’s constant enablement (more here on starting a relationship with Him). Making self-powered, independent-from-Him humans was never on HIS to do list. So to expose our lack of power, He allows major life difficulties, like battling cancer. Jesus spoke about coping well, bearing good fruit in the midst of trials, but He said, “You can do nothing apart from Me!” (John 15:5). In other words, we’re powerless.

There’s ALWAYS Hope with His Power!
Hopelessness, on the other hand, is a lie straight from the pit of hell. It moves us past “I can’t do this,” to “God can’t do this either.” This lie creates despair, numbness and defeatism, all poisons to our human makeup.
Yet, what Paul learned is also so true, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!” (Philippians 4:13). We always have hope with God! There is a “win-win-win” dynamic for the born-again child of God who is fighting cancer or any trial. We ALWAYS win with Him, “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place” (2 Corinthians 2:14).
He will either:
- Win! – Heal our physical body in this life (Matthew 8:16-17).
- Win! – Heal our physical body permanently and blissfully in heaven (2 Corinthians 2:16-18).
- Win! – Transform us “from glory to glory,” allowing the trial to linger while building HIS strength in our weakness and “win” people to Himself along the way! (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).
So don’t grow hopeless when you simply need to embrace your powerlessness!
Lord, teach us how to tap into Your power to be encouraged, healed and set free!
ONLINE Prayer Opportunities
- Stronghold Ministry Praise & Prayer Gathering – 3rd Tuesdays on Facebook LIVE – at 7:00 pm CST on our Facebook prayer page – Join Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer.
- “Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer” Facebook Group – Prayer and support for you as you fight cancer! Become a member to submit prayer requests and lift up others. Join Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer.
*Do you know “The Two Ways to Get to Heaven“?
*¿Tu sabes “Dos Maneras de Ir al Cielo“?
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