When Mary first heard she was pregnant with the Messiah, she was naturally overjoyed. As her Aunt Elizabeth put it, she was truly “Blessed among women!” (Luke 1:42). One might think her life would be full of honors and privileges, right? Far from it. Here is a list of some of the hurdles and heartbreaks she faced during the next 33 years:
- Nightmare Delivery Scenario – When reporting for a census late in her pregnancy, she was forced to travel 60 miles to Bethlehem to deliver the Messiah of the world in an animal enclosure. No comfy bassinet, she had to lay Him in a “manger,” an animal’s food trough! Not exactly a “Precious Moment.”
- Her Infant on Hit List? – She soon heard King Herod wanted to kill her baby, so she fled to Egypt, hiding there until Herod died which Bible historians believe was when Jesus was 4 years old. As a teen mom hiding in a foreign land, she had no family support, no birthday parties, no one to celebrate her or her Child.
- Public shame – When she returned to Israel, some religious leaders of Israel doubted Jesus was miraculously conceived, mocking Him for being born “out of wedlock” (John 8:4).
- Widowed At a Young Age – Her husband Joseph passed away sometime between Jesus’ 12th birthday and the start of His ministry at age 30, after she had seven or more children! (Matthew 13:55-56 states Jesus had 4 brothers and at least two sisters).
- Worst Public Shame – She stood by helplessly as her Son was falsely accused, publicly tortured, and then crucified with criminals on a cross.
What does this all mean for us? Why IS life so hard? My takeaways:
1. I should forever rid myself of the notion that I might have an easy life!
Mary was warned by Simeon to expect hard times, “A sword will pierce your soul as well” (Luke 2:35). During my Stage IV cancer battle, I fought God consistently, thinking my battle was a royal waste of time. But Jesus prepared me too, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). I discovered that:
Peace doesn’t come in having no tribulations,
but in trusting Jesus with all my concerns!
2. I need a higher, eternal purpose, not earthly goals of wealth, pleasure and comfort, etc.
“The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever” (1 John 2:17).
3. My main focus should be on Jesus’ life flowing in me and through me to others.
As Paul said, “When Christ, Who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory” (Colossians 3:4). He IS the answer to every human’s spiritual and emotional needs. You may ask – how do I receive Jesus’ Life, forgiveness, and this glory of eternal life? Go here for the answer. Hint: it’s a free gift!
Mary had to learn this world is not our ultimate home, have you & I?
*This post is part of our series, “Frequently Asked Questions About God and Cancer!” If you subscribe to our email newsletter, we’ll send a new FAQ on a regular basis. These FAQs will live here on our blog and on our FAQ page. Feel free to give feedback or ask new questions in the comments below!
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