The following are some hard but good questions from one of our cancer patients along with my answers:

“Where is God? Why has He permitted over 3 million lives to be lost to this virus? Why am I still struggling with this crack cocaine addiction? Why did He bring me thru Stage 2 Colorectal Cancer to get hit with Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease? Where is God?” – D. S. (sharing with permission).

It has been a really rough time for everyone on the planet, D, but like yourself, some have even more to deal with. I’m so sorry you are facing that kidney disease now too. I’m praying for 100% health for you along with all of the help needed for total freedom from the crack cocaine addiction. If you read my book, My Stronghold*, I talk about some of the many physical-emotional complications I had after I was healed from Stage IV cancer, including withdraws from opioid pain pills. So I can relate – a little.

 *My book, plus other books and gifts are free to cancer patients
in our gift basket!

God obviously allows hardships, in fact Jesus guaranteed them (John 16:33). He never promised to shield us from troubles. Job, David, and even Jesus felt abandoned by the Father during their sufferings. Yet God promises to never leave or forsake us – no matter what happens! (Hebrews 13:5). He promises supernatural strength and comfort to handle all troubles, including addictions.

So why does He allow hardships when He could easily reverse them with a snap of His finger? He must allow hardships for a really good reason, after all, He already gave us His very best, His Son Jesus to die on the cross for us! It’s been rightly said, “When we can’t understand His mind, we can trust His heart.” He is always good; always for us, never against us! (Romans 8:31).

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Frankly, I believe that if He didn’t allow hardships we would drift from dependence on Him! Trials humble us and cause us to turn to Him for help, even if we do so with questions and anger. We learn to rely on His power, not our own, as well as finding contentment in Him, not the things of the world. He uses trials to bring about greater good for us and greater glory to Him, which are the best of all scenarios (Romans 8:28). Hope some of this helps – you’re definitely not alone!

*This post is part of our series, “Frequently Asked Questions About God and Cancer!” If you subscribe to our email newsletter, we’ll send a new FAQ on a regular basis. These FAQs will live here on our blog and on our FAQ page. Feel free to give feedback or ask new questions in the comments below!

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