Sometimes I think we see prayer like a cell phone contract. It's hard not to expect Him to perform - to answer when we call. Reconciling this was a struggle during my battle with Stage IV cancer. If He really loved me, He should be as committed to my well-being and comfort as I am, right?
It is tempting to think we must change on our own so that God will be pleased with us. It is also tempting to think that we can change on our own. Yet we know Paul had become so frustrated that he gave up trying to change. Can you relate to Paul?
Parents are forever trying to convince their youngsters that pain and uncomfortableness is only temporary. “We’re almost there.” “The pain will go away soon.” The Lord is forever trying to convince us as well - and He absolutely loves to watch us laugh.
Fortunately for us, the Lord never meant suffering to be just a cruel and bitter pill to be dutifully swallowed. Suffering is a path, never a destination.