Humans are made to appreciate value, to be impressed and awed. This enables us to be inspired and thankful, things which add true riches to life. Of course, with the God-shaped vacuum within, the healthiest object of our awe is God Himself. This is why David invites us in Psalm 34:3, Magnify the Lord with me and exalt His name together.”

There are many shiny objects which compete for our admiration – things like money, fame, beauty and pleasure. Yet we can also be in awe of circumstances, or physical pain, or yes, even a cancer diagnosis or prognosis. We can magnify these things, making them bigger, even way bigger than God.

Perhaps this is why David wrote in the next verse in Psalm 34:4, “I looked to the Lord and He delivered me from all my fears!” His fears stemmed from magnifying possible negative scenarios. He needed to focus on God’s far-surpassing ability to deliver him out of his troubles and help him get through anything!

Note that David said God delivered him from all of his fears. Don’t try to fight alone, you’ll not succeed! Tap into God’s power and His Spirit, “God has not given us a spirit of fear but (a Spirit) of power, love and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). We have access to the Holy Spirit of God when we believe on God’s Son, Jesus – click here for more.

There came a point in my cancer battle where I had to decide if God was bigger than my supposed “terminal” case of Stage IV metastatic melanoma cancer. You see, the bigger our God, the smaller our problems! So to downsize our troubles, let’s make Him bigger! Actually we don’t make Him any bigger than He is, we just need to “see” His true, awesome size!

Finally, note how David encouraged us to magnify God with him, and to exalt the Lord together. We’d love for you to join us at Stronghold Ministry to magnify the Lord over cancer and ALL of our troubles – together. We invite you to join our Facebook prayer group, Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer. And tune in on Facebook LIVE on 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 PM CST on Joe Fornear‘s Facebook page. Become friends with Joe for meeting notifications on his page. You may also send us your email to be added to the FB LIVE prayer meeting reminder list. Bottom line:

Let’s magnify the Lord and exalt His name together!

Pray with us on Facebook!

Join our Facebook prayer group, Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer, and tune in for Facebook Prayer LIVE on 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 PM CST. Sign up to receive an email reminder!

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