I thought I’d get a jump on thanks-giving “early” this year. After all, gratefulness is not for a day or long weekend, it’s intended to be a lifestyle. And for our sakes, God loves every ounce we offer up!
Now I realize this resolution has been popular for years, almost cliche, but I definitely need to develop the habit of gratitude. First, Ephesians 5:20 spurs me to get started right away: “Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father.” In other words, there is always reason to be thankful!
But also, I’ve been noticing how much I complain. Mind you, my complaining is righteous, because bad drivers; scorching heat; people with annoying opinions – and there’s a lot of those. Yet, no excuses, right? So to kick-start, I’ve compiled seven reasons to develop a lifestyle of gratitude “for all things.”
1. God wants me to be thankful (‘nuf said actually, but there’s more!)
2. God delights over me and you (Zephaniah 3:17).
3. Contentment is way more important than abundance.
4. Gratitude stretches a little into enough, even a lot.
5. God is always in control.
6. God turns hard, even painful circumstances for good purposes (Romans 8:28).
7. Gratitude drastically improves our energy levels and mood.
Now I’ve noticed I and others often make “exceptions” to God’s clear guidance. We say, “Yes, I can see what is written here, but this is different.” Nope, nothing we can experience or imagine is different. As I learned during my Stage IV cancer battle, gratitude is even more important in a crisis because the lack of gratitude opens the door for a tsunami of discouragement! So…
Happy giving of thanks days!
Find out how to have gratitude in heaven with God forever!
More on how to stay grateful during a cancer battle in our books in our free gift basket.
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