Celebrate our tribulations!

God has a purpose in tribulations. If we persevere, character and hope grow bringing supreme confidence in God's amazing love. His Holy Spirit poured out God's love into our hearts, enabling us to celebrate our tribulations. 
We can celebrate our tribulations by God's love!

I hear it often, “How do I overcome the overwhelming sadness during this cancer battle?” Paul has simple yet shocking advice – “Celebrate our tribulations” (Romans 5:3). 

Huh?! If you’re like me, you fall into “bondage to circumstances.” We attach happiness to pleasant circumstances. We’ll be happy when the cancer is gone, when everyone treats us right, or when we have more money. 

Paul explains a progression that leads us to celebrate our tribulations: “Knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” ~ Romans 5:4-5

God has a purpose in tribulations. If we persevere, our character and hope grow. We will have supreme confidence in God’s amazing love. His Holy Spirit has poured out God’s love into our hearts, enabling us to do anything, including celebrate our tribulations. 

During my Stage IV cancer battle, I learned not to focus on pain or losses, but on His incredible love. Self-pity, frustrations, and overwhelming sadness melted away. I even celebrated at times. We all can, by His love!

How to invite Jesus and the Holy Spirit to live inside ushere.

P.S. Check out our new In His Grip Videos page where you can find a library of our podcast interviews and Joe’s video devotionals – here.

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For more on overcoming tribulations through God’s love, request our free gift basket for cancer patients here.

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