Today is Terri’s 12th NEDiversary Too!

– Joe Fornear

Today is the 12th anniversary or NEDiversary of the day I was declared “No Evidence of Disease” – cancer free from Stage IV melanoma. ABiding coverSo I want to honor and thank my warrior wife, Terri, as well as all caretakers everywhere. She went through quite a difficult battle herself. In those brutal days, I often thought that if I “graduated early,” I would have it made in the shade. Terri, on the other hand, would be left to pick up the pieces and figure out a way forward with our two teenagers. I knew this season was very tough on her, but she was amazingly hopeful, fighting to stay positive despite the constant setbacks and impossible odds. After all, the docs did give me just “days to live” back in May of 2003.

Terri has just published her story in book form, Abiding Through the Shadows, A Caretaker’s Struggle with God’s Goodness. This book is not about her courage and strength, but rather how God met her at her weakest points. She pulls back the curtain to show her false concepts of God, which created so much extra turbulence during the battle. Yet she shows how the Lord graciously and gently walked her through it all as she leaned on Him – abiding.

If you are, or have been, a caretaker of a cancer patient or someone who is in crisis, we believe you will benefit from this book! Stronghold Ministry has joined with Terri and I to offer this book to you free. Simply reply to this email with your full name and address and we’ll send it to you. If you insist, you can make a donation to Stronghold Ministry here. Or you can purchase the book here.

Here is an excerpt from Terri’s book during the time she was waiting for my diagnosis, hoping it was a more treatable cancer:

Waiting for the name of the cancer was the first obstacle over which I became very anxious. It seemed to me the sooner we knew the sooner we could stop it. Yet the timing was so out of our hands. The passing of so much time felt like a death sentence.

Mind Renewal
Lie: Understanding what is happening in my life will give me the power to control it. Knowledge can make everything bad go away!

Truth: Proverbs 3:5-7: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes.

We invite you to abide in our tremendously good God together with Terri!

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  1. I am a care giver to my husband for the last two years who is stage IV melanoma. It has been a tuff struggle. I’d like a free copy of your new book Abiding through the Shadows. Nancy Wright

    • Hi Nancy, I hear you and praying for you two. Removed your address from public post, but your gift basket is on the way – Terri’s new book enclosed. Blessings

  2. I would love to have a copy of this wonderful book. My daughter and her husband are walking this journey right now. She is 23 and he is 25. In February 2014, 6 months after their marriage, he was diagnosed with a rare form of Ewing’s sarcoma. After 8 months of hard treatment, he was told there was no cancer. We celebrated. Praising God. Then 3 months later, he was back in the hospital and diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He began another round of hard treatment leading up to his bone marrow transplant. He is currently at day 70 post transplant. Watching them, particularly my daughter, in her role as caretaker has amazed me. We know that God has carried them completely – enabling them each step of the way. They completely trust in Him. I am excited to share your book with her. Thanks for sharing your journey.

    • Dear Dawna – wow so young but we’ve seen that ES hit young people. So sorry about the recurrence after the 3 month break – heart and prayers to you all. We can send our gift basket directly to your daughter and SIL – just fill out the form here: We’ll add an extra copy of Abiding Through the Shadows, A Caretaker’s Struggle with God’s Goodness for you. Unless you live at a distance – if so send us an email with your address –

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