A Treasured Friend

You’re Invited!

The Kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. – Matthew 13:44

I picture myself in a field, alone, sitting up against a tree. Up walks a “figure” Who sits next to me, asking if He can join me. Next to the tree is a stream and there are mountains in the distance. The grassy field sways with the wind.

He tells me stories about …

  • The deer running in the distance
  • The lion roaring on a cliff
  • The birds’ care-free flying
  • The ants’ organizational skills
  • The wind that invisibly affects everything.

It’s a long conversation. He is excited to share all His creations. Then He looks me in the eye, “Do you want to be My friend?” (A question I often wonder when I sit with others – “Do they want to know me?”; “Do they like me?”; “Will they accept me?”).

Our first encounter, He pursued me in this field under the tree. He pursued Me!

I come to this place often to visit Him, but one day He asks if I want to stay (abide). Oh yes! But first let me go back to my field. Back to my field of:

  • Stuff
  • Relationships
  • Reputation
  • Hopes and dreams

I’ve been missing my friend in His field – that invitation to leave my field to sell all and go and purchase His field with all of Me. All I have, all I value and call my life. He is the real treasure … His field, His eyes, His heart governs this field He has shown me. All of me and all I give. He gets to put His story IN. The way it works best.

“No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.” – John 15:15

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  1. I will be there with you and the lord on Tuesday night. Prayers we all need, Miracles that only the lord can do.

    • Amen, Tammy, the Lord can and still does miracles today! Yes so glad you will join us for prayer on Facebook. We meet every 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Central on Facebook LIVE. We call it our Stronghold Ministry Praise & Prayer gathering on our Facebook Prayer group page here – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1389205034518582. We’ll add you to our email reminder list which we sent out day before or day of.
      Bless you – you are in His Grip!
      Joe and Terri Fornear

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