Before He works, God does not hide behind a cloud waiting for us to have enough faith! If He did, the list of faith heroes and heroines in the Bible would be considerably shorter! Consider John the Baptist, whom Jesus considered the greatest man who had ever lived, yet he totally doubted Jesus when he was imprisoned (Luke 7:22-23, 28); Sarah laughed at the idea that God could give her a child so late in life (Genesis 18:10-15); And my favorite – the disciples refused to believe God had sprung Peter from prison even while Peter was knocking at that moment on their prayer room door (Acts 12:6-14)!
Peter’s story reminds me of the day in 2003 when my oncologist, Terri and I were despairing over my latest PET scan image which we thought showed Stage IV metastatic melanoma had spread all over my body. At that moment, the nurse walked in with the report from the radiologist, you know, the doctor who was actually trained to read a PET scan. Amazingly, the report said the cancer was totally gone, and I’ve been cancer free since that day! None of us believed her at first. The point is, I was certainly not healed because of my strong faith!
In fact, during my battle, I felt so weak and guilty that I couldn’t hang on to God. Yet this is how Stronghold Ministry got its name – He was my Stronghold, holding on to me when I could not hold on to Him! Jesus taught that with faith the size of a tiny mustard seed, we could move mountains (Matthew 17:20). So He clearly does not wait for perfect faith!
So pray with me the short but effective prayer of a father whose son was delivered by Jesus from a demon in Mark 9:22-24:
Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!
The ultimate FAQ is “How do we get to heaven?”, which we answer here.
*This post is part of our series, “Frequently Asked Questions About God and Cancer!” If you subscribe to our email newsletter, we’ll send a new FAQ on a regular basis. These FAQs will live here on our blog and on our FAQ page. Feel free to give feedback or ask new questions in the comments below!
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