How to Pray God’s Will

During my Stage IV cancer battle after doctors gave me just “days to live,” it’s fair to say I was motivated to learn how to pray! Subsequently, I discovered the importance of “the word of our testimony,” one of the 3 tools to overcome the devil or the “accuser of the brethren” in Revelation 12:11. I noticed 3 levels of prayer in Jesus’ and the disciples’ prayers:
- Tell my God about my circumstances.
- Tell my circumstances about my God.
- Tell my circumstances, and the devil and his obstacles, where to go!
You may have doubts about #3. I sure did. Yet, Jesus taught us to pray this way more than once in the Bible, most notably in Matthew 17:20, where he explained why the disciples could not cast out demons from a man. “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Wow!
Jesus taught US to tell our circumstances and the devil where to go, and it will be done! Now, I realize that this teaching has been abused, as some have used it to try to get rich … or richer. In reaction, some have swung to the opposite extreme, ignoring and negating Jesus’ amazing promise here. They say, “That is Name-it-and-claim-it, or Blab-it-and-grab-it theology.” Yet, there is a balance!
Joe and Terri Fornear share how God taught them to pray in their books-–free to cancer patients in our gift basket here.
To be clear, human words do not have absolute power to manifest reality. God governs all that comes to pass, even in what He allows. Some say that because we don’t know His will, we should add to our prayers, “Lord, if it be Your will.” But we do know His will on how to pray. If Jesus wants us to resist the devil, as He did, and tell our circumstances to be thrown into the sea, as He did, then let’s follow His will and do the same! I do my part – He does His!
You might enjoy Part 1 of The Word of Our Testimony – here.
Read more on how to get to heaven, the ultimate victory over the devil!
This tool #2 in our series– The 3 Tools to Overcome the Darkness – click here for tool #1
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