During this time of focus on mental health, it’s crucial to point out that followers of Jesus Christ have a transcendent resource, the Spirit of God! So we present 3 Spiritual keys to mental health for cancer patients, survivors, their caregivers, and everyone else.
1) Settle once for all Who is in charge!
Strangely, the first key for mental health while fighting cancer is to settle the fact that we are not in charge. We will not win by our “might, nor by power.” Our human tools – research; doctors; prognoses; nor cancer has the final word. Neither do our sins or eating habits, and the devil is not in charge either. God, and God alone, can overcome anything!
Fear and anxiety hold no sway when we fully grasp that God is greater than life’s giants, including cancer. Young King David did not fear a wild lion or bear, nor did he fear the 9’ 9”, 580-pound Goliath. As he confronted the giant, he cried out, “The battle is the Lord’s,” and, “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands” (1 Samuel 17). Now just as David used a sling shot, we use the human tools of this world, and so does God. Yet ultimately, only He can make them effective!
2) Accept that God allowed us to have cancer.
I write “allowed” because it’s clear from the Book of Job that the devil attacked Job only by God’s permission (Job 1:12; 2:6). In a short time, the devil took all ten of Job’s children; his huge stable of livestock; and his health, giving him a horrible skin disease. Job’s wife had enough and advised Job to “curse God and die.” Job responded, “Shall we actually accept good from God but not accept adversity?” (Job 2:10b). The 2nd Spiritual key, acceptance, is great for mental health because it helps us to surrender – not to the disease, but to God. This surrender enables us to listen and follow Him and to have peace in the center of His will. Then we’re ready to fight!
3) Fight with the Spirit’s supernatural resources.
During an intense cancer battle, our human strength wears out fast. Mine did during my fight with Stage IV metastatic melanoma which spread to 13 different areas. I learned a lot about my weaknesses, and much about the 3rd Spiritual key – the Spirit’s might. God sent a message to Zerubbabel on how he would win. “’Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of armies.” (Zechariah 4:6). I learned to “delight in my weaknesses” because “when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). This is why the Bible calls Him our “stronghold” 10 times, and why our name is Stronghold Ministry. Through Him we can have true mental health.
Lord, train us by Your mighty power to trust in Your mighty power!
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Thank you for your ongoing, powerful word from the Lord…What A Blessing
Thank you, Roz, for writing and bless you!
In His Grip,
Joe Fornear