Joe Fornear

Joe Fornear

Why Is This SO Hard?

When Mary first heard she was pregnant with the Messiah, she was naturally overjoyed. As her Aunt Elizabeth put it, she was truly “Blessed among women!” (Luke 1:42). One might think her life would be full of honors and privileges,…

Where Is God When I’m Suffering?

The following are some hard but good questions from one of our cancer patients along with my answers: “Where is God? Why has He permitted over 3 million lives to be lost to this virus? Why am I still struggling with this…

How Do I Overcome this Anxiety?

Five Keys to Overcoming Anxiety This question is by far our cancer warriors most frequently asked question! A cancer diagnosis is very troubling with the accompanying physical, financial and relational challenges. Valid concerns can morph into crippling worry. I learned…

Where Is God When I’m Really Hurting?

One of the toughest questions for suffering believers and theologians is: “Where is God when I’m really hurting?” It’s easy to sense God’s mastery of circumstances during “mountaintop” seasons. This FAQ will focus on His mastery of the valleys, during…