Lighten Your Load in 2013
What is true for physical limits “carries” over to spiritual and emotional limits. We can only haul so many burdens before control squirts out of our hands. Nerves shatter. Tempers are lost. We stumble under the weight.
What is true for physical limits “carries” over to spiritual and emotional limits. We can only haul so many burdens before control squirts out of our hands. Nerves shatter. Tempers are lost. We stumble under the weight.
Jesus certainly shed real tears in His adult life, so why would crying as a baby be a problem?
So when it seems you're running on empty and He has given you more than you can handle, ask Him to fill you to overflowing with His Holy Spirit’s power.
Relax your mind and heart – don’t permit them to race on over various scenarios. Focus instead on the Lord and His love and power.
His touch is a game-changer. He grants supernatural power, strength and endurance enabling us to overcome impossible circumstances.
God intended blame to die at Calvary, so let's allow our guilt trips to stop at the cross too.
Maybe when God wants to accomplish something, He marks it with struggle so humans know their limits and give all glory to Him.
When you have cancer or a life-threatening illness or crisis, you tend to pay closer attention to Bible verses which once may have read like a nursery rhyme.
Asaph’s spirits lifted when he began to recount God’s past wonders on his and Israel’s behalf. He needed to view his current struggles in light of God’s history of compassion and deliverance. Then he could encourage himself that God was indeed up to something good… again.
If we grasp both the heights of God’s holiness and the depths of our own sin, we will not approach God with a sense of entitlement. Instead we will humbly approach Him on the basis of grace – His unmerited favor.