Always Good News

When you are being flooded with bad news, how does one focus on good things? Let’s be honest, sometimes in our lives, the “good news” of Christmas is totally overshadowed by personal news feeds. Perhaps an employer gave you a pink slip, or a potential employer said no. Maybe you received a news flash that a relationship is going deep south. Is your doctor continually giving reports of serious new problems? How do you stay positive in these cases? I can’t say that I’ve mastered this ability, since I’ve been known to wig out because of a traffic jam. I do confidently proclaim, however, that in my own life and in the lives of many others, I have seen the power of God lift a spirit, even in the bleakest circumstances. You see, God is not just a nice idea, HE IS A LIVING GOD! He delights to show up when we are at the bottom. He allows humbling trials and chronic weaknesses to show us how strong He can be on our behalf. Consider and take Him up on these offers:

1) He promises a “peace that surpasses all understanding” in Philippians 4:7. What does that mean? This is the type of peace where you marvel at how in the world someone can be so calm. But this peace is not of this world, it is supernaturally provided.iStock_000003847880 - Christmas Naitivty Dec 09

2) He offers in Ephesians 3:9, that we can know or experience a “love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” This means the love of God will literally saturate every fiber of our being. We can actually be filled with warm, uplifting love, not just intellectually aware of the fact that He loves us.

3) And joy, that elusive joy. Everyone wants it. God provides it free. Jesus said in John 15:11,  “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” This joy is not only from God, it is His joy. I don’t think God gets down in the dumps. I’ll take His joy any day.

This Christmas, no matter what circumstances you are in, look for His supernaturally supplied resources. The gift of Jesus Christ at Christmas keeps on giving. That is always good news, all year round. My sincerest prayers and thoughts go out to all of those who are in crisis during this Christmas season. We are thinking about you! You are not alone.

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