All-Wise, All-Powerful, and Amazingly Tender

During my cancer journey, I had seen enough of Stage IV metastatic melanoma to know it was bigger than me and modern medicine. Still, a thought kept bolstering my sense of well-being: cancer is absolutely no match for God Almighty.

And He was saying, “Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.” – Mark 14:36

What a prayer! Jesus knew a few things about our Father, didn’t He? The following are some observations about Jesus’ understanding of His Father’s heart towards Him… and us.

1) The Father was tender.
Jesus called the Father, “Abba,” which is like calling Him daddy or papa. The Father enjoys intimacy with us. Do you want to have that closeness with Him? Do you let Him get that close to you? Open up to Him.

2) The Father was all powerful.
“All things are possible for You.”

During my cancer journey, I had seen enough of Stage IV metastatic melanoma to know it was bigger than me and modern medicine. Still, a thought kept bolstering my sense of well-being: cancer is absolutely no match for God Almighty.

He can do anything; nothing is too hard for Him. He could snap His finger and make it all go away. For me, that stripped ALL of the power from cancer, and put it all on God. He always has the last word.

3) The Father’s will is best.
“Yet not what I will, but what You will.”
Jesus was content to yield to His Father’s final decision. Still He prayed three times for “the cup to pass.” Jesus was asking for some other way to accomplish man’s redemption, which would not entail his crucifixion and “becoming sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Yet Jesus knew if the Father asked Him to go through with the crucifixion that He would be there for Him in the end. Even though He felt forsaken for a time, the joy of their relationship was soon restored.

So we can rest in His power, decisions, and heart towards us, while not fearing ANY outcome. He is good. Praying and rooting for you all!

Lord, open our eyes to Your awesome power and tender heart.

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Find out if getting to heaven is by being good – The Two Ways To Get To Heaven

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