A Little Light Changes Everything

-Joe Fornear

Sometimes when times are especially tough, His light shines through … and everything changes! God has always shone into my life through music. During my Stage IV melanoma cancer battle, I had a lot of trouble focusing. I couldn’t listen to sermons or read the Bible, and sometimes I couldn’t even think straight. Yet He still spoke to me, comforted me, freed me – through song. No matter what trouble you’re going through now, perhaps this song will reach you in the same way it moves me now. This is William Matthews singing, Shine On Us, with Bethel Church Worship Band members.

My favorite line from the song, “Every fear, every doubt disappears when You shine on us.”

Let Him shine on you today!

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  1. My daughter HAD stage three melanoma. She was pregnant at the time, so they couldn’t do much until after the baby came other than remove her lesion. The wait is always the worst! But we stood on what God’s word said even if the reports came back negative and at times our faith took hits to. We cried and then prayed in agreement all the more. We could see God’s hand guiding her all along during her process and had peace with her direction. From the diagnosis by a nurse practioner, when doctors missed it. Then the surgeon she was sent to was the second gift. He removed the lesion immediately in his office; that’s not usually done and was extremely qualified for his task. Once the baby came, almost a month early, ( another gift); her Dr. sent her to Nashville (another gift) where her road of trusting God more began. They found cancer in her groin lymph nodes, and they were removed. She had further surgery on her leg but it came back good, the first Dr. did get it all. She was scheduled for test trials, but the side effect were horrific. The scariest part was the side effects were not just for the time of the treatment but could occur anytime after the treatments were done, even years later. The treatments offered little % and only for the first few years with the % going lower each year. She decided not to do the experimental treatments, which her surgeon said it was best not to, but mainly the peace she felt when she decided not to. We all had the same peace with her directional choice. I believe our God is still in the healing business today! And we have not because we don’t go to the throne room enough. Your book gave us a different perspective of why we go through things like this which was good. And you can always find good things in your trials. I counted 17! Our theme song is A good , good father because He is. He mended relationships in our family and others. We felt God’s love through people we didn’t know and others we hadn’t thought on. Her church proved to be a real strength for her because of the many testimonies of cancer survivors, which we didn’t know. They shared their answered prayers. She was in a good place. She met a girl also with melanoma while in Nashville that shared your ministry with her. We are reading your books now. I think the wisdom you both shared are excellent in handing all our life’s trials. So I’m now teaching those strategies in Bible studies weekly. You have to look for good, Jeremiah 29:11-14. I also liked what you shared about how thrilled God is when we come to heaven, a perspective I hadn’t thought of. May God continue to bless your ministry, and the overflow of your works, will pour into others only to overflow into those they touch as well. May God also renew you strength and anchor you more firmly into his reservoirs of strength and energy. Megan is getting ready for her monthly scans again, but we believe she’s healed. She’s enjoying her life in Christ, and her three children ages 5 months, 2 year old and a 4 year old. She’s busy with her testimony now. Thank you.

    • He is a good, good Father, Cynthia! He’s moved very convincingly to show His love to Megan anmd your whole family. Prayers for ongoing healing and supernatural strength. Glad you wrote and keep us posted.
      In His Grip,
      Joe Fornear

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