Giving thanks FOR all things?

By developing a routine of thanking and praising God, I could appreciate hidden blessings versus wallowing in obvious losses.

Ephesians 5:20 Always giving thanks for all things text over fall pond with foliage.
Sure, hard things happen to us, but we are never, ever victims. During my Stage IV cancer battle, I realized I could master negative emotions by mastering my perspective on circumstances. What a difference it made when I focused on the God Who delights in me (Zephaniah 3:17)! By developing a routine of thanking and praising God, I could appreciate hidden blessings versus wallowing in obvious losses. God tells us in Ephesians 5:20, “Always giving thanks FOR all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father.” Now, you might think God has gone too far here. Really, always give thanks FOR ALL things? That seems humanly impossible, but as Jesus said several times, what is impossible for man is possible with God! Note, He first tells us in Ephesians 5:18 to be filled up with the Spirit. His Holy Spirit gifts us with supernatural abilities, like being able to thank Him FOR ALL things! To find out more about how to launch your relationship with God and receive the Holy Spirit – go here. So this Thanksgiving, and all year, let’s tap into God’s internal Presence to grant us the overcoming power and perspective that gratitude is greater than sadness! P.S. Check out our new In His Grip Videos web page where you can find a library of our podcast interviews and Joe’s video devotionals – here.
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