You’re Invited!

The Kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. – Matthew 13:44
I picture myself in a field, alone, sitting up against a tree. Up walks a “figure” Who sits next to me, asking if He can join me. Next to the tree is a stream and there are mountains in the distance. The grassy field sways with the wind.
He tells me stories about …
- The deer running in the distance
- The lion roaring on a cliff
- The birds’ care-free flying
- The ants’ organizational skills
- The wind that invisibly affects everything.
It’s a long conversation. He is excited to share all His creations. Then He looks me in the eye, “Do you want to be My friend?” (A question I often wonder when I sit with others – “Do they want to know me?”; “Do they like me?”; “Will they accept me?”).
Our first encounter, He pursued me in this field under the tree. He pursued Me!
I come to this place often to visit Him, but one day He asks if I want to stay (abide). Oh yes! But first let me go back to my field. Back to my field of:
- Stuff
- Relationships
- Reputation
- Hopes and dreams
I’ve been missing my friend in His field – that invitation to leave my field to sell all and go and purchase His field with all of Me. All I have, all I value and call my life. He is the real treasure … His field, His eyes, His heart governs this field He has shown me. All of me and all I give. He gets to put His story IN. The way it works best.
“No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.” – John 15:15
Pray with us on Facebook!
Join our Facebook prayer group, Stronghold Ministry Healing Prayer, and tune in for Facebook Prayer LIVE on 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 PM CST. Sign up to receive an email reminder!

I will be there with you and the lord on Tuesday night. Prayers we all need, Miracles that only the lord can do.
Amen, Tammy, the Lord can and still does miracles today! Yes so glad you will join us for prayer on Facebook. We meet every 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Central on Facebook LIVE. We call it our Stronghold Ministry Praise & Prayer gathering on our Facebook Prayer group page here – We’ll add you to our email reminder list which we sent out day before or day of.
Bless you – you are in His Grip!
Joe and Terri Fornear